How to merge web sites for several solutions?
Question asked by Ignaz Kohlbecker - 4/27/2020 at 12:43 PM
Suppose I publish several packages to Nuget.org. Because they are related, I create one common project website explaining how to use the packages together. Now how would I merge the generated API documentations from the corresponding solutions?

5 Replies

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Misha Zhutov Replied
Employee Post
Hi Ignaz,

GhostDoc does not provide a ready solution for that but you can generate "frame" web side help (using FlatMain.frame or FlatGray.frame themes). Then, you can merge WebTOC.xml files from all your solutions.
After that you need to write script which transforms each HelpTOCNode element to the HTML - you can see the HTML blocks in the "index.html" page (search for DIV with class="TreeNode"). This way you can create the TOC and copy all page content HTML files to the "HTML" folder.

Ignaz Kohlbecker Replied
Thank you Misha,
I think frames are no longer an option ("Frames have been deprecated and should not used by modern websites."). Does this approach also work with non-frame themes?
Misha Zhutov Replied
Employee Post
No, the approach won't work because in a non-frame theme each ".HTM file" contains the whole TOC.
Ignaz Kohlbecker Replied
Marked As Answer
Ok, I see. Would be great then if ghostdoc would allow selecting arbitrary assemblies and their xmldoc files, not only those of a solution. Until such a feature is supported, I think I will use one big solution for documentation purpose only and use filtered solutions for development.
Serge B. Replied
Employee Post
Hi Ignaz,

Thanks for letting us know! Yes, the filtered solution will help. 

We added your request to our back log.

Serge Baranovsky
SubMain Software
(800) 936-2134

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