Header not reflecting last modification
Question asked by Mati Kos - 2/10/2022 at 2:58 AM
After a code change, I document it using Re-Document This. But this does not change the Last Modified section in the header. So unless I Document the whole file, the header does not reflect the truth.

Is this a bug or a feature?

5 Replies

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Misha Zhutov Replied
Employee Post
Hi Mati, 

The Last Modification date corresponds "Date modified" of the file you document. You can find it if you right-click on the file in File Explorer->Properties->Details->Date modified.
Mati Kos Replied
Date Modified and User are correctly applied but only applied if Document Header or Document File. The Last Modified does not change if I Re-Document This and actually if I Ctrl-A + Re-Document This it still does not affect Last Modified.
Misha Zhutov Replied
Employee Post
The document header is documented when you run:
1. the Document Header File action
2. the Document File action
3. the Document This and the cursor is placed on the 1-3 line of the file
4. the Re-Document This and the cursor is placed on the 1-3 line of the file 

If you run Document This (Re-Document This) on the type/member we document only that member and don't update the header.
Mati Kos Replied
Thank you. This is a great explanation.
Can you explain why doesn't it update the header any time I document any change in the code? I made a change, I modified the file thus the header should reflect it?
Serge B. Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer

We would love to do that in the ideal world but here is what we have - 
  • GhostDoc doesn't know there is a file header
  • To determine whether the file has a GhostDoc generated header we'd have to parse the file and find the header - this takes time
  • Then we need to regenerate the header, which also takes time 
  • We do this when a file is modified - and run through that discovery 
  • A user complains GhostDoc is slowing down Visual Studio and typing
Over the last several years we have done a lot of optimization to ensure minimal effect to Visual Studio and the real-time code editing. Sometimes, unfortunately, that results in not being able to add all features that we would like.

Thanks for understanding.
Serge Baranovsky
SubMain Software
(800) 936-2134

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