The CLI is not producing output
Problem reported by Brad Hurlbert - 11/30/2022 at 12:43 PM
Being Fixed
The command-line tool is not producing a Help website from code members, but the extension UI in Visual Studio 2022 is producing a website just fine. i.e. when trying to produce a Help website from the command line, it returns the following message, after parsing the solution and projects.
No code elements found to include into the help documentation. Please make sure you are using correct help configuration and check the Scope parameters.
The solution is built for both "Debug" and "Release" configurations, and XML comments exists for many members in the solution.

Please advise

3 Replies

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Misha Zhutov Replied
Employee Post
Hi Brad, 

Under what user do you run the command line utility? Please send us the log file from c:\Users\<user>\Documents\SubMain\GhostDoc Enterprise for VS2022\GhostDoc Enterprise.log to support@submain.com.

Brad Hurlbert Replied
Hi Misha,

It may be violating security if I transmit the whole log, so instead please accept sending what appears to be one issue.

Please advise on solution, or if you need addition information.

NOTE: These are all .NET 6 projects.

Kind regards,

Misha Zhutov Replied
Employee Post
Hi Brad, could you please send us the full log file to support@submain.com? We need to see what MSBuild version was used when loading the project(s).

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