GhostDoc Pro frequently hangs VS when invoking document this
Problem reported by Peter Shrosbree - 9/3/2018 at 12:32 PM
I am sure everyone has experienced this, but 'Document This' frequently hangs Visual Studio. This has been the case since at least Visual Studio 2015, and remains true through all versions of GhostDoc Pro and Visual Studio to date. I experience these hangs at least every day, but usually no more than two or three times a day. I have to kill VS with Process Explorer and start again.
It is frustrating because GhostDoc still saves me more time than I lose in restarts and lost work. I am not saying it is GhostDoc that is causing the problem, it could be something else, but it only happens when I run Document This.
I also run CodeMaid, ReSharper, OzCode, NDepend, and CodeRush. I have toyed with not using these plugins, but after encountering the same issues I abandoned trying to see if it was caused by an interaction between them. There is only so much time I am prepared to put into fixing bugs in code I have paid for.
Has anyone else encountered this problem? Is there a way of avoiding it without losing functionality?

6 Replies

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Misha Zhutov Replied
Employee Post
Hi Peter,

Thank you for posting that. What GhostDoc Pro version are you using and what Visual Studio version/edition?

Misha Zhutov
Serge B. Replied
Employee Post
Hi Peter,
What GhostDoc version/edition and VS version/edition you are experiencing this issue?
Serge Baranovsky
SubMain Software
(800) 936-2134
Peter Shrosbree Replied
All versions.
My current versions are:
VS2017 15.8.4
GhostDoc Pro 5.9.18240.0
Fred Stephens Replied
In my case having GhostDoc loaded causes random hangs with VS that last a minute or two. Have had it unloaded for the last few days and not a single hang.

Visual Studio 14.0.25431.01 Update 3
GhostDoc 5.9.18240

Peter Shrosbree Replied
I don't mind the two minutes hangs as much as I do the really long hangs. I kill the devenv process after a few minutes, or after a lunch break. I think these are permanent hangs from a practical perspective. I too find that removing GhostDoc eliminates the problem.
I now have the habit of saving everything before I comment, but sometimes I forget. Those are the times I remember!
Fred Stephens Replied
We also have large code base of mixed c++ and C#

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