Visual Studio 2015 says "XML comment has syntactically incorrect cref attribute" for auto documentation.
Problem reported by Mark Kamoski - 3/8/2019 at 11:54 AM
Visual Studio 2015 says "XML comment has syntactically incorrect cref attribute" for auto documentation.
GhostDoc Community 
Version 2018.2.19030
...GhostDoc generated this...
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="System.Data.TypedTableBase{Kram.TransferObjects.AdminSettingDataSet.AdminSettingRow}" />
partial class AdminSettingDataTable
...and VS does NOT seem to like those curly braces, etc.
I just thought you would want to know.
-- Mark Kamoski

5 Replies

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Misha Zhutov Replied
Employee Post Marked As Resolution
Hi Mark, 
That syntax is correct and supported by GhostDoc when generate help documentation. Moreover, Visual Studio 2017 stops raising CS1584 XML comment has syntactically incorrect cref attribute warning in such cases.
VS 2017 and VS 2019 as well as SonarQube mark this as an issue and in our shop it's a must fix. I've created a method in the Rules Templates that will enter only the last segment of the complete namespace for the type so there is a workaround. but it would be easier if the internals of GD could do that for me but only because I'm super lazy.

An interesting oddity too is that VS itself flags these in the Analysis Tools but the warning goes away in VS if you prefix the complete namespace with T: but even doing that will not prevent SonarQube from flagging it.
Misha Zhutov Replied
Employee Post
Could you please provide us with examples of CS1584  warning in your code?
Torrey Garland Replied
I have the paid professional version, and this is the code generated when selecting "Document Type".  VS2019 indicates this is a CS1584 warning.

Red squiggles because I configured VS 2019 Community Edition to treat all warnings as errors.

I can fat-finger these into the correct syntax, but it is slowing down my workflow and production.

Is there an easy way to fix this without touching those T4 templates.

Misha Zhutov Replied
Employee Post
Please send us email to support@submain.com and we will provide you with updated Class Template without "see" and "seealso" tags.

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